Dreaming Big
Angela Kennedy Angela Kennedy

Dreaming Big

AoK Consulting moves in-house at Terracon, empowering and developing current and future leaders of the organization’s 6,000+ employees nationwide. Discover how we got there.

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The AoK Journey to Employee Experience
Angela Kennedy Angela Kennedy

The AoK Journey to Employee Experience

AoK Consulting uses a four-step methodology to solve problems and build solutions for employee experience. Learn more about the communication-driven process.

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Core Values Part 3: Make it Last
Angela Kennedy Angela Kennedy

Core Values Part 3: Make it Last

Building an organization centered on authentic values is no small feat. With all of that time invested in establishing and implementing things it is extra important not to waste it! Read on for tips and tricks on maintaining organizational values for the long haul.

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Core Values Part 2: Practice what You Preach
Angela Kennedy Angela Kennedy

Core Values Part 2: Practice what You Preach

Once values have been established, the next step is to take action and implement values in tangible ways that shape and enhance the employee experience. In Core Values Part 2 we cover tips to ensure your on the right track to put stated values into daily practice.

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Core Values Part 1: Keepin’ it Real
Angela Kennedy Angela Kennedy

Core Values Part 1: Keepin’ it Real

Strong organizational values are extremely important in shaping company culture. In Core Values Part 1, we review the importance of establishing authentic values and best practices to ensure employee voices are heard and included.

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