Dreaming Big

I was thumbing through an old journal recently and came across a letter to my past self. The following is an excerpt from Fall 2021, while considering a career transition:

“You’re not losing anything by leaving. It’s only gain. It's an opportunity for growth. Opportunity to learn. Opportunity to evolve and make yourself a more well-rounded and fulfilled individual. 

Dreaming big is hard! It’s scary. But it’s the only way to really live. Our true community will always be here. But what we choose to do with our talents - that is up to us to evolve. No one is just going to give you a step-by-step path through life.

But settling? Settling is the worst. Settling is lazy. 

You are worth dreaming BIG. Your family is worth you being fulfilled and at peace with how you spend your life.”

For the record, I loved my colleagues and career at that time … but something still didn’t feel quite “right.” It was a scary thing to acknowledge and it wasn’t until Summer 2022 that I actually had the guts to take that leap. 

I had no idea exactly what I was looking for, but I trusted my gut. I owed it to myself and my family to reprioritize my energy and be the Self I claimed to be.

😬 2023 was not an easy year. It was not all sunshine and sparkles. I did not just throw a middle finger to the system and get rich through public speaking and consulting. (Side note: I am an open book on Real Talk about the journey for anyone curious about entrepreneurship… especially what not to do.)

Had I not put myself through the discomfort, I probably would not be where I am today.

What got you here won’t get you there.
— Marshall Goldsmith

I learned COUNTLESS hard lessons with real consequences. I stopped fearing failure. I became much more discerning with my time and energy. I discovered my value outside of what someone else told me it should be. I prioritize my Self and wellbeing - for real. I walk into rooms confident that I was invited because of me. No one and nothing else. 

Living my purpose became my purpose in all its cheesy glory. I am here to help. Specifically, to help others gain access to the tools and resources they need to be their highest Self.

Because of my professional and lived experience, this translates into enhancing employee experience (EX). Healing fractured cultures by helping employers listen fully, communicate clearly and create the right solution for the real problem - not just slap on a bandaid. 

Living my purpose set me up to join Terracon. A company that truly invests in the development of its employees - both in skillset and leadership. The Terracon University platform has hundreds of programs with award winning learning tools that can be accessed by its nearly 7,000 employees nationwide. It also hosts a wide array of customized leadership programming, uniting the organization's leaders in language and expectations. 

Terracon’s CEO, Gayle Packer, she (that’s right - SHE) gets it.

This investment in people directly impacts the overall ROI for our employee owners. The No. 1 goal at Terracon is safety - that all employees feel safe while on the job and get home safe every day. As simple as that. This culture of care and concern permeates the entire organization, from field scientists and drillers to corporate IT and marketing teams.

My job is to partner with current Senior Leaders and create a pathway for continued growth. We’re talking about leaders of the future and what we can do today that will fuel success 5, 10, 20 years from now. 

It feels like AoK Consulting got “bought out” by an ideal client. Almost surreal. I know there are challenges ahead, and I am more confident than ever in my ability to make a positive impact.

This may seem like one giant humble brag. (Maybe it is. 💁🏻‍♀️)  

It all goes back to that goal setting exercise in 2021. I know that dreaming big is scary. I now intimately know that chasing those dreams can be chaotic and uncomfortable.

And I know we are all worth exploring our big dreams

Interested in exploring? I am always here to help.


The AoK Journey to Employee Experience