Core Values Part 2: Practice what You Preach

This is part 2 of a 3 part series around organizational values. Only 32% of employees report being engaged at work (Gallup), and 70% of employees say their purpose is defined by their work (McKinsey). In this series, we work through the steps of establishing, implementing and maintaining core values that strengthen employee engagement by aligning organizational and individual purpose.

In Part 1, we review the work necessary to uncover and establish authentic core values - work that will mean little if those values aren’t put into action.

The next step is to implement values in tangible ways that shape and enhance the employee experience (EX). This can feel like a massive ticket to fill, and is perhaps the most important step in achieving long term goals of high quality EX.

Disengaged employees cost the world $8.8 trillion in lost productivity in 2023.
-Gallup's State of the Global Workplace: 2023 Report

Below are a few top tips to ensure you’re on the right track to put stated values into daily practice.

  1. Kick-off with Clear Communication

    Consistent and clear communication is paramount to the success of implementing organizational values. Throughout the discovery process, employees should be involved in providing insights and hearing how those thoughts are shaping the final outcome. Once established, it is time to celebrate “go live!” This could be an in-person or virtual launch that celebrates finalized values - in alignment with core intent. I.e., if a core value is “safety” don’t spot an unlimited bar tab but not provide transportation home. 

  2. Don’t Fear Feedback

    Values should be a living, breathing part of the business - continuing to keep an ear out for feedback ensures they don’t go stagnant. Provide forums for people across the company hierarchy to share ideas and give input. Whether through digital portals or events like "lunch ‘n learns," these opportunities bring diverse perspectives to critical business challenges. And they allow each employee's voice to shape processes for delivering on your purpose.

  3. Standardize Exemplary Onboarding

    Bring organizational values to life from day-one by moving beyond paperwork to create engaging onboarding experiences. Connect the dots between the established values and how this individual’s role is contributing toward the company vision. 

  4. Invest in Team Growth

    Offering seminars, workshops, conferences or continued education in alignment with established values will demonstrate your value of people's growth. Invest in developing employees’ skills and leadership abilities even if it means they may eventually move on to new opportunities. A positive EX will win back “boomerang” employees and further goodwill from their network, i.e. potential candidates.

  5. Expand Values through Community Involvement

    Determine causes that align with organizational values and participate in volunteer days or support nonprofit partners in that area. This work allows teams to witness corporate values applied through external action, as well as internal team building.

The bottom line? Words on walls or a website mean nothing without embodied practices reflecting intended values. 

Igniting high productivity requires establishing an engaging culture where individual purpose intersects with organizational vision. This happens through values-driven systems shaping real employee experiences.

Now, we’ve covered how to establish and implement values. What’s next? Maintenance tips and tricks to ensure your EX never slips. 

If you want to create a thriving culture grounded in meaningful values, message me for a free 30-minute consultation to assess organizational needs and determine if we're a good fit to partner. Talk soon.


Core Values Part 3: Make it Last


Core Values Part 1: Keepin’ it Real