Core Values Part 3: Make it Last

This is part 3 of a 3 part series around organizational values. Only 32% of employees report being engaged at work (Gallup), and 70% of employees say their purpose is defined by their work (McKinsey). In this series, we work through the steps of establishing, implementing and maintaining core values that strengthen employee engagement by aligning organizational and individual purpose.

If you’ve been following along in this series you may be particularly perplexed with Part 3. Digging into the heart of your organization and uncovering authentic, aligned values with employee input, i.e. Part 1, is not a small task. And in Part 2, we hit on all kinds of actionable components necessary to ensure those values don’t just end up as words on a wall. 

What more could there be to do?!

With all of that time and effort invested, it’s extra important not to waste it! Just as with all relationships, organizational values require ongoing maintenance checks. 

Here are some best practices to ensure values can stand the test of time. 

Compensation & Recognition (i.e. The Basics)

  • Fair, competitive compensation is a must to prove your organization's legitimacy and commitment to talent. Particularly in efforts to recruit Gen Z and (sooner than we think) Gen Alpha, competitive pay will be non-negotiable. 

  • Recognize and reward employees for achieving values-aligned goals to strengthen the foundation of trust. This may be in the form of public appreciation, team-wide celebration, charitable donation in their name or a gift card for a family dinner. Whatever the form, don’t just guess …

Communication is Key

  • A running theme throughout each part of this Core Values series, communication. To maintain a thriving culture with authentic and purpose built values, it is wildly important to continually create forums for sharing ideas across hierarchies. Set up digital portals, office hours or regular surveys, to demonstrate that each voice matters. 

Accountability & Feedback

  • Not holding staff accountable can lead to a toxic team atmosphere. Once values and standards are set it is up to leaders and managers to ensure they are treated with a great amount of respect. 

  • Address situations quickly by providing immediate feedback when values are or aren’t upheld. Facing critical conversations head on sets a standard with lasting impact. 

Building an organization centered on authentic values is no small feat. It takes intention, input and investment from leadership and staff alike. By taking the steps outlined in this 3-Part series, you can establish values that evolve appropriately while remaining anchored to your core purpose.

A thriving culture isn't built overnight, but by walking the walk daily. When organizational values are more than words, but guideposts for decisions large and small, you unlock a new level of employee engagement.

Ready to ignite your workforce? Let's connect to craft an authentic values foundation for your one-of-a-kind culture.


The AoK Journey to Employee Experience


Core Values Part 2: Practice what You Preach