Setting a Course for 2023

I’ve made my share of New Year’s resolutions around self-improvement  - once I even fully abstained from fried potatoes for a year.   

Instead of resolutions in 2023, I am firmly setting my course via mindfulness around three intentions. Three guiding principles to light my way and empower me to reach my fullest potential in work and life.

Intention: Something that you want and plan to do. -Cambridge English Dictionary

I intend to live my life in abundance, healing and adventure in 2023. 

Abundance | As much as I believe the energy we expend is equal to the gifts we receive from the world around us, you would think I’d left all traces of a scarcity mindset in the dust years ago. And how I wish that was true! For example, intellectually I am aware that we often need to “spend money to make money,” and yet purchasing a URL felt like an indulgence. It’s easy to imagine the worst - in fact, our brains are hardwired to do so. But it’s just as possible to flip the narrative - and that is the life of abundance I am eager to embody. 

Affirmation | I commit my energy and focus toward an attitude of abundance. I choose to see limitless opportunities for myself and others. I give in abundance of my gifts and accept, in abundance, the gifts of others. 

Healing | Interpersonal growth is a direct result of facing internal challenges head on. While I am more than happy to share my personal journey in this space - I’d rather share how this affects your company culture. I am inspired to help companies navigate the healing process from pain inflicted over the past few years by the pandemic. Specifically, the global community of HR and talent acquisition professionals was hit hard and from all angles. It takes everyone on board to activate new systems and address continuous change. 

Affirmation | I choose to be a healing energy in my community and career. I am a conduit for change and growth. 

Adventure | Each day is brand new. I just launched a business and am making a slight pivot in my career. My travel schedule has blossomed all over the America’s (and likely Europe before it’s all said and done). I am planning weddings and celebrating our growing family (adorable new niece and welcoming a brother-in-law - to be annoyingly clear, this isn’t a pregnancy announcement). My husband and I are looking at real estate … And all of that could be scary. Overwhelming. Stressful. Or it could be a beautiful adventure. And so it is.

Affirmation | Even in its challenges, today is an enlightening story. I choose to view each day as an incredible adventure, filled with abundance and healing. 

Making these public is certainly one way to keep myself accountable! What are your intentions for the year ahead, and how can I help? 

Looking forward to the adventures ahead.



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