What Happens in Mexico

It is a dry 80 degrees in Central Mexico and I am covered in dust and stress sweat while herding approximately 30 people through Parque Juarez for a mock-elopement parade and photo shoot. It is day four of six at the Bold & Brazen creative workshop and wellness retreat, the third of four styled shoots where 12 attendees are learning from international wedding photographers and elevating their portfolios to attract destination wedding clients. 

Mariachi & Mojigangas surround Bold & Brazen workshop models for a styled elopement photoshoot.

What does this have to do with AoK Consulting? 

As a new business owner, who frankly did not intend to end up launching her own business, the first months are FULL of experimentation. After a lifetime of roles in nonprofit, corporate, and educational institutions, it seemed necessary to test what skills and experiences give me the most energy and satisfaction outside of my “norm.”  

A friend and sought-after destination wedding photographer based in Kansas City (The Bold Americana), approached me in September 2022 about lending a hand with her second-ever international workshop for wedding photographers and videographers (Bold & Brazen). Wheels were already in motion with dates announced and vendors assigned, so I jumped in with an attitude of curiosity and internal observation. 

For six months, I tested myself in this completely new, unstructured, environment. And here are a few of my favorite takeaways:

  1. No one does epic sh*t alone. Something that bears repeating over and over again. Executed well, delegation is the ultimate form of collaboration. The most successful teams celebrate diversity of thought and experience. That way everyone’s unique strengths compensate for different weaknesses.

  2. Life needs white space. Melissa Marshallx spoke to attendees about the importance of self-reflection and compassion in a competitive and emotionally charged industry. Creativity is a muscle to be flexed and stretched - but ensuring we take time to be still feeds our bodies and minds in different ways. Rest is important, not indulgent. 

  3. Hard work is deeply satisfying. I am incredible at working in high stress environments. There is slightly addicting “high” associated with rapid fire problem solving for me. And as familiar as I am with it, it still takes a toll on my body, mind, and heart - so I build in time to breath.

More than a decade of experience with copywriting, event communications, logistics, intercultural relations, speaker coaching, and business development were necessary in benefiting the success of this workshop. From start to finish, this work has challenged me in the most insightful ways, including teaching me the value of my time and energy as an entrepreneur.

Every lesson learned guides me to new opportunities and I can’t wait for the next to unfold. 

AoK Consulting approaches each project with a mindset toward adventure, collaboration and integrity. Connect with Angela to learn more about the process to achieve your dreams.


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