The Link Between Storytelling & Talent Retention 

Once upon a time … 

The human condition is defined by stories. We grow up listening to tales of far off lands and fairytale adventures, often resulting in some sort of lesson learned. Early on, storytelling resonates in our hearts and minds. 

Stories leave a lasting impact. They build connection, engage an audience, and are more memorable than numbers alone (22x more memorable, in fact). 

When it comes to business, stories sell. And while this is typically housed within marketing, communications, and PR teams, internal storytelling goes a long way in enhancing the employee experience and - you guessed - retention. 

Telling stories that bridge a connection between an organization’s goals and its authentic, overarching purpose, gives employees a greater understanding of the importance of their work AND builds human connection. When employees understand their purpose within a company and feel like they truly belong, they are more likely to stay. 

Additionally, storytelling can humanize leadership. The power of executives and managers sharing their stories and vulnerabilities breaks down barriers between levels of hierarchy. Employees start to see leaders as real people who have faced triumphs and failures just like anyone else. This level of authenticity strengthens rapport and leads to long-term gains. 

In today's tight labor market - one where a departing employee costs organizations an average of $18,500 - keeping top talent is crucial.

Implementing a storytelling strategy that spotlights a company’s humanity, purpose, and authentic culture goes a long way in retaining employees. 

AoK Consulting is passionate about helping companies achieve new levels of employee satisfaction by uniting storytelling and talent engagement strategies. Looking to shake things up? Let’s connect!


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