3 Ways to Recognize World Gratitude Day in the Workplace

Hopefully you are not shocked by the realization that saying “thank you” is nice and showing appreciation for another human being’s gifts - or simply their presence - will release a quick shot of joy for all parties involved. 

We light up when people are kind to us. But how often do we pay attention to how great it feels when we are kind to others? With no strings attached and no expectation of what we will receive, showing genuine gratitude is one of the most effective ways to live a happy and fulfilled life. 

Gratitude is scientifically proven to increase patience, improve resilience and optimism, and reduce envy and jealousy. It is also proven to improve sleep, lower high blood pressure and strengthen the immune system. With dozens of positive impacts on our personal outlook and individual health, it isn’t difficult to imagine how this translates to success in the workplace.  

81% of employees report feeling more motivated to work hard when they feel their work is appreciated by their employers. 

66% of employees are willing to quit their jobs if they feel unappreciated.

-(Glassdoor, 2019)

Regularly practicing gratitude through employee recognition and appreciation improves retention, enhances productivity, improves decision-making skills, and cultivates an overall sense of fulfillment. Who isn’t excited about that!? 

Here are three ways to boost appreciation for your employees, colleagues, and professional networks as we celebrate World Gratitude Day on Sept. 21. 

  1. Start with Yourself: Take some time to reflect on what you are grateful for today. Write these down or close your eyes and breath deeply as you allow yourself to feel the warmth of gratitude. I often start or end this work with what may seem “simple,” but often serves as my greatest reminder to enjoy each day. “I am so grateful to have woken up this morning. I am grateful for this breath and the next.” 

  2. Say Thank You: Are you shocked? This is a classic technique that never goes out of style when expressing thanks. Whether it is a quick text of acknowledgement, a handwritten note sent via snail mail, or an unexpected public post on LinkedIn, the key is to be genuine in your appreciation and specific in how their contribution made an impact.

  3. Don’t Stop: There are countless ways to integrate continuous appreciation in the workplace. Consider recognition awards that highlight how employees are living out your organizational values; encouraging and supporting community volunteer work; bringing in meals, on-site massages, manicures, and other pampering practices; offering gift cards or opportunities to direct charitable donations; and so much more!

Thank you, reader, for taking the time to read this piece. I hope you invest in World Gratitude Day by giving thanks for yourself, gratitude to those around you, and continuing to explore the many ways to live in appreciation. 

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