How to Get a 5-Star Review from Gen Z

The most diverse, tech-savvy, and educated generation to date, Gen Z is making demands as they acquire and grow in entry level positions around the world. 

In a recent conversation with HR and talent acquisition leaders at the UMKC 2023 Early Talent Summit, I shared tips and tricks on how to get a 5-star review on employee experience from this rapidly rising workforce. 

Here is a high-level overview on areas of focus that position your organization to earn a 5-star review on EX:

  1. Inclusion - Gen Z wants a seat at the table! Embrace justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (JEDI) in policies and training. Activate employee resource groups (ERGs) and empower them to celebrate what makes them unique. 

  2. Career Pathways - Provide clear opportunities for career development and advancement. Well executed mentorship programs offer benefits to early talent and seasoned professionals alike. Encouraging multigenerational collaboration leads to optimized results. 

  3. Purpose - Connect your organizational mission and identity to “do good” opportunities in the community. Gen Z cares deeply about contributing to the greater good and craves to know “what’s the ‘why’?” behind their work. Make sure organizational values and messaging align internally and externally.

  4. Technology - This generation has never known life without social media, and expects reliable user interfaces, AI, and automation as standard. Equip employees with the latest tools and tech that enable them to perform at their best. 

  5. Balance - Perhaps the most notable “star” is Gen Z’s unquenchable desire to experience work-life balance. Prioritize flexibility and provide mental health resources like training, meditation apps and WFH options (if available).

Gen Z expects change and insists on inclusion, defined career pathways, authentic purpose, cutting edge technology and personal balance in the workplace. Working toward enhancing these 5-star experiences today creates the vibrant, progressive workforce of tomorrow.

Are you interested in diving deeper into the 5-Stars? Let me know at


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