1:1 Coaching

Individual coaching focuses on empowering clients to establish professionals goals through their unique lens of personal fulfillment. You are allowed to dream BIG. To live your own version of a fairytale life every day. Stop telling yourself you can’t or worse, you “shouldn’t” ask for more. Start believing in your limitless potential and taking steps to make those big dreams come true.

Take a look at some standard 1:1 Coaching packages below.

Big Dreams Guidance

What to expect:

  • 3-Month minimum agreement, includes two meetings (virtual or in-person) each month + email and call support during regular business hours throughout agreement

  • Professional coaching exercises and activities as needed

  • Personalized roadmap to Big Dream Energy

  • Tailored development tools consistent with client’s preferred learning style

  • Consistent encouragement and trackable accountability toward achievement

Big Dreams Blast Off

What to expect:

  • One, 2 Hour Intensive Meet-up (Virtual or In-Person)

  • Pre-work to outline your specific challenge and identify clear goals prior to the session

  • Professional coaching exercises and activities as needed

  • Customized action plan and recommendations to ignite “Blast Off!”

  • Follow-up email support for one week

Personalized Pace

What to expect:

  • One, 45-Minute Virtual Meet-Up

  • Useful for “right now” inquiries and solutions

  • Follow-up email support for one day